33 comments on “Will try this out – updated FO4 progress

  1. It depends on the gun. Combat rifles may be the only type that can use both .45 and .308 receivers. Hunting rifles can use both .308 and .50, though .50 is rather disappointing. You think it’s going to be an elephant gun, but it’s only slightly better than .308.

  2. I’ve had some holiday time, so I invested part of it in FO4. It’s not that hard to level up when you keep Preston’s and the BoS Cambridge radiant quests going basically non-stop. I haven’t been to the hippie co-op farm. Do you mean Covenant or whatever it’s called? I did see a farm with a named female NPC standing in a pond full of horribly irradiated water, but I don’t think that’s it.

  3. I ignore the radiant quests unless I’m gonna get guilt tripped with a dead settlement. They’re awful.

    I think that part of the reason I’ve lost interest in the game is that I’ve funneled myself into a main story branch where creating and populating settlements is now mandatory to progress. Barf. For this reason alone I think I may restart and just let the Institute implement neo-nazism or whatever.

  4. There’s a farm you can get as a settlement that’s heavily implied to have been growing wacky tabbacky pre-war. There’s a Mr. Handy there named Professor Goodvibes who acts stoned. Sorry for the spoiler. 🙁

    My Goodvibes vanished from my game during an attack where I wasn’t even present. Sigh.

  5. Oh yeah. I found that place. Can’t remember the name, but I was careful not to harm Mr. Goodvibes.

    Meanwhile, I have so many supply lines that I had a big brahman traffic jam near the bridge in Sanctuary. All those cows bumping into each other. So terribly confused.

  6. I made everyone an editor because that seemed to be the only way to let people make categories. It’s not a perfect forum replacement but all the choices for forums suck and I’m not going tech support anymore.

    I’ll fix the name thing when I have a minute to find a better theme. I’ve been doing work shit all night even though I left work 7 fucking hours ago.

  7. Some things I’ve discovered:

    1. Apparently, if you make someone in your settlement a provisioner, that NPC still counts as a member of your settlement. I’m showing a population of 12 in Sanctuary, but when I ring the bell for an assembly, only two actual settlers show up, besides the immovable useless Minuteman people in the original Concord group like Sturgess and Mama Murphy. This means that my crops in Sanctuary are under-attended. Also, it means that few people would actually be present to help out in a raid. So be aware that unless you actually move a settler, s/he will add to the population count even if s/he is elsewhere.

    2. If you get carried away with improving your settlements, you’ll quickly run out of vital junk items like oil. Supply lines =/= infinite building materials.

    3. Harvested food items are not automatically added to your workshop “aids” category unless there’s a surplus. Settlers are not particularly industrious, so they tend not to produce surpluses. This means that if you want to make adhesive at a cooking station, you’ll almost certainly have to go around to settlements and personally harvest things like mutfruit and tatoes. Not a big deal, but rather annoying.

    4. As you improve and populate settlements, expect increased attacks. Quite frequently, you’ll miss notices of these attacks and you’ll see “fail” messages. I’m not sure what effect this has. It doesn’t seem to subtract much from the happiness score, but if you show up to help defend a place, the settlers make a big thing of it, so maybe this adds a point or two. However, as you level up, the enemies who attack get better equipped and can do a lot of damage. I decided to intervene in an attack on the Castle and got into a really nasty gunfight with well-provisioned Gunners. They almost succeeded in tearing up the place. So as I can, I’ve been arming settlers with better weapons. This may or may not make a difference. It probably won’t if I’m not physically present at an attack, but it may if I am.

  8. I’ve started just outright ignoring the fail messages. They come up often. I almost never see the precipitating “under attack” message. I don’t think there is one most of the time. You’re just supposed to check the settlement tab like it’s your job.

    I see where they were trying to go with settlements, but it’s implemented so badly that it should have been cut.

    I haven’t run out of adhesive ever, maybe I don’t mod all that much. Everything I own is modded, though. I run out of aluminum far more often. And oil.

    The best protected “settlement” I have is my base as red rocket, which is encircled by a truly absurd quantity of various types of turrets. Nothing survives longer than 3 seconds.

    It annoys me that settlements with meat grinding arrays of turrets still lose settlers unless I fast travel to personally witness the bad guys getting gunned down while I stand there with my hands in my pockets.

  9. Yes, I would say that settlement problems are the number one thing Bethesda needs to address in a patch. It’s really, really broken. I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they never expected this fringe portion of the game to be so popular, but come on. This is a major selling point and a really big part of gameplay. My hope is that they will genuinely fix it and not simply expect modders to do it.

  10. I don’t think the popularity is even the driving issue. It’s mandatory to set up your first settlement, more or less. After that, you’re chastened for not being a good caretaker on a regular basis and reminded constantly that you should be wiping settler’s asses. It detracts from every other part of the game.

    I think it’s a neat feature that should be so entirely optional that if you opt out you never hear about it again unless you ask to.

  11. Also, somehow the game calculates your loot as some weird part of some equally weird building cap. People have noticed that if they store too much loot in a settlement, the game basically destroys everything there. I need to research this a bit more, but in the meantime I guess I’d better buy the house in Diamond City and start moving my stuff over there.

  12. Even though I’m playing in Normal, some of the enemies down south are getting a bit tough. Gunners and Children of Atom are especially nasty, but super mutants are also morphing into masters, warlords, and primuses (primae? primi?).

    Up till now, I haven’t bothered with criticals. I keep forgetting that I can hit the space bar and execute a built-up crit. However, given the increasing toughness of southern enemies (head shots aren’t one-shot anymore), I am now investing in the Luck attribute and will soon be buying the associated Critical perks. So you know.

  13. You’re way beyond me at this point. I haven’t seen anything so exotic.

    You’ve gotten here without crits? Sheez! Sounds tedious and ammo-expensive!!

    I guess I like the “hit button for crit” system better than “you just wasted your crit on this guy’s pinky finger”. I guess.

  14. I have lots and lots of ammo. When you have the following perks . . .

    maxed Sneak
    maxed Ninja
    3/4 Bloody Mess (4 is pointless)
    maxed Mister Sandman
    maxed Rifleman
    maxed Gunslinger
    maxed Commando
    maxed Penetrator
    maxed Science
    maxed Gun Nut
    MacCready’s perk
    Cait’s perk
    Preston’s perk

    plus two-shot weapons like Oversee’rs Guardian or explosive ones like Spray and Pray . . .

    . . . you don’t really need much ammo. Silenced headshots in VATS and sneak mode (with Mister Sandman and MacCready’s perk) are nearly always lethal, so you tend to pile up bullets. Ghouls, of course, are a joke. With a 2-shot 10mm pistol, they go flying across the room. I pay them zero attention as I scrounge for workshop loot.

  15. This just in: a fully modified auto assault rifle is doom. Almost nothing can stand against it, especially with maxed Commando and the stagger chance.

  16. I also keep forgetting about chems. I have a million psychos, jets, etc. and never use them. I think they’re mostly intended for harder difficulties. People playing Survival probably buy the crit perks much earlier.

  17. I always assumed two shot weapons consumed two ammo per shot just like Borderlands.

    I use Chems as currency. I never use them and I’ve never bothered making any. I really should start cooking all the meat I find on dead mirelurks, etc, though. You can get a lot more health than from stimpacks from a mirelurk steak, etc. Just not limb fixes.

    I have an assault rifle and it’s kinda meh. I don’t think it’s tricked out yet, though. Probably depends on your perks. My auto laser rifle with burn damage (Feel the Bern) is still my best gun.

  18. My understanding of two-shot weapons is that each bullet does the damage of two bullets, so such weapons are either misnamed or broken.

    I just store chems and forget about them. Sometimes if I need to pass a difficult speech check, I’ll take a grape mentat or whichever mentat increases charisma.

    I use bullets for currency mostly, even though I now have plenty of caps to buy whatever I want. I’m a terrible miser.

    Perks are everything. Combined with weapon-modding, they turn ordinary loot into WMDs.

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